Magpie Preschool House operates a year-round preschool for ages 2 - 5. We are open from 8:00 - 5:30, Monday through Friday. Available schedules range from 2 -5 days per week. Families are invited to trade or sell days they are not using to other enrolled families, and drop-in days are available to purchase directly from MPH for $70, based on availability.
We offer the following enrollment schedules:
5 days: Monday - Friday
3 days: Monday/Wednesday/Friday
2 days: Tuesday/Thursday
Magpie Preschool House is passionate about both supporting our families and providing ample time for our teachers to recharge. Our school calendar can be found here, and includes approximately 6 weeks of scheduled closures in addition to federal holidays.
Whenever possible, we attempt to align our school closures with Portland Public Schools. Inclement weather closures occur alongside PPS.
No refunds or credits will be issued for missed school days due to child illness, staff illness, unexpected closures, or delayed openings.
Magpie Preschool House will not retain or admit any child with the following symptoms:
Fever greater than 100.5
Stiff neck or headache with fever
Lice or nits
Any rash with or without fever
Unusual behavior change, such as irritability, lethargy, or somnolence
Jaundice (yellow color or skin or eyes)
Diarrhea (more than one watery or loose stool in one day with or without fever)
Skin lesions that are "weepy" (fluid or pus-filled)
Colored drainage from eyes or ears
Brown/green drainage from nose with fever or complaints of illness
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath; serious, sustained cough
Symptoms or complaints that prevent the child from participating in their usual school activities, such as persistent cough, with or without presence of fever, or
Child requires more care that the school staff can safely provide.
Children who become ill at school will be isolated until such time as a parent or authorized pick-up person is able to come, and must stay at home until symptom-free for 24 hours.